Copyrights and Trademarks

It’s been a busy week and it’s only Tuesday. Lots of behind the scenes changes being made. The fact that it’s not visible means a flawless transition. Yippee!

While organizing my websites digital closet I came across a really great blog posting by Mary Engelbriet on the subject of copyright and trademark issues. I have had numerous conversations with other artists on the subject of copyright and trademark rights. This 2 part article helps explain the importance of this subject without sounding angry or snarky.

Now I am a huge, I mean huge fan of Mary. I’ve met her twice and she has signed many of my prints and my copies of her books. Her work is so playful with a twist of nostalgia mixed in. Mary Engelbriet is also a remarkable business woman and has enjoyed great success, therefore she knows her stuff. I believe she may even have a little Mary Poppins in her as well!


Art and Web Capabilities

I was at a meetup event recently and someone asked about a particular feature they admired and wanted to achieve. After a little detective work it was a parallax website this individual was speaking of. It jogged my brain into rediscovering a beautiful site to show them that goes above and beyond what one would think possible from the web. It is a mix of technology and art that is done so well neither overshadows the other.

Barbara Olszańska-Żywalewska

Parallax is not perfect for a number of reason; one of the big reasons is the speed at which it doesn’t load. It can be tedious and for some people it is not worth the trouble or the extra few seconds it may take to load. I personally appreciate the care given to develop a complex site such as the one above.